Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How Drugs Affect the Economy essays
How Drugs Affect the Economy essays The word drug is defined as any substance other than food that can affect the way your mind and body work. There are hundreds of different drugs, each with its particular effect on the bodys nervous system. For instance, narcotics are a series of drugs that affect the mind, causing mental changes. The United States Government will not allow new drugs to be prescribed by a doctor or sold by a pharmacist until the drug has been thoroughly tested and proven to be medically safe. These tests take as long as years to be approved for public use. Unstable drugs, referred to on the streets as Crack, PCP, Ice, LSD, Speed, and many others, are made up of several chemical substances which are produced illegally under poor circumstances. Unstable drugs are responsible for killing thousands of young people each year, those who escape death are sometimes confined to a mental institution. ( . The topic of drug abuse prevention is a big one among the leaders in America. Kids as young as eleven years old experimenting with drugs. Signs to look for, for people getting into drugs, according to the D.A.R.E. Manual are dramatic changes in behavior, signs of physical deterioration, identification with drug culture, signs of paraphernalia, dramatic changes in school performance, these are only a few. We are taught as children to avoid danger, though it does not always come through in the end. And the sad thing is that the people who suffer from these killers (drugs) place them in their own bodies. The end result is the same. So what is the difference? ( Drugs are effecting the economy and America. I think we need to make a stand now, because the kids of America today, do not need this. We are the leaders of tomorrow. Drugs are affecting us by changing our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. If I was high right now, I couldnt write this paper. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Mesoamerica Cultural Timeline
Mesoamerica Cultural Timeline This Mesoamerica timeline is built on the standard periodization used in Mesoamerican archaeology and upon which specialists generally agree. The term Mesoamerica literally means Middle America and it typically refers to the geographic region between the southern border of the United States to the Isthmus of Panama, including Mexico and Central America. However, Mesoamerica was and is dynamic, and never a single unified block of cultures and styles. Different regions had different chronologies, and regional terminologies exist and are touched upon in their specific areas below. Archaeological sites listed below are examples for each period, a handful of the many more that could be listed, and they often were inhabited across time periods. Hunter-Gatherer Periods Preclovis Period (?25,000–10,000 BCE). There are a handful of sites in Mesoamerica that are tentatively associated with the broad-scale hunter-gatherers known as Pre-Clovis, but they are all problematic and none appear to meet enough criteria to consider them unequivocally valid. Pre-Clovis lifeways are thought to have been based on broad-based hunter-forager-fisher strategies. Possible preclovis sites include Valsequillo, Tlapacoya, El Cedral, El Bosque, Loltun Cave. Paleoindian Period (ca 10,000–7000 BCE): The first fully-attested human inhabitants of Mesoamerica were hunter-gatherer groups belonging to the Clovis period. Clovis points and related points found throughout Mesoamerica are generally associated with big game hunting. A handful of sites also include fish-tail points such as Fells Cave points, a type found more commonly in South American Paleoindian sites. Paleoindian sites in Mesoamerica include El Fin del Mundo, Santa Isabel Iztapan, Guil Naquitz, Los Grifos, Cueva del Diablo. Archaic Period (7000–2500 BCE):. After the extinction of large-bodied mammals, many new technologies were invented, including maize domestication, developed by Archaic hunter-gatherers by 6000 BCE. Other innovative strategies included the construction of durable buildings such as pit houses, intensive techniques of cultivation and resource exploitation, new industries including ceramics, weaving, storage, and prismatic blades. The first sedentism appears about the same time as maize, and over time more and more people gave up mobile hunter-gatherer life for a village life and agriculture. People made smaller and more refined stone tools, and on the coasts, began to rely more on marine resources. Sites include Coxcatln, Guil Naquitz, Gheo Shih, Chantuto, Santa Marta cave, Pulltrouser Swamp. Pre-Classic / Formative Periods The Pre-Classic or Formative period is so named because it was originally thought to be when the basic characteristics of the classic civilizations such as the Maya began to form. The major innovation was the shift to permanent sedentism and village life based on horticulture and full-time agriculture. This period also saw the first theocratic village societies, fertility cults, economic specialization, long-distance exchange, ancestor worship, and social stratification. The period also saw the development of three distinct areas: central Mesoamerica where village farming arose in the coastal and highland areas; Aridamerica to the north, where traditional hunter-forager ways persisted; and the Intermediate area to the southeast, where Chibchan speakers kept loose ties to South American cultures. Early Preclassic/Early Formative Period (2500–900 BCE): The major innovations of the Early Formative period include the increase in pottery use, transition from village life to a more complex social and political organization, and elaborate architecture. Early Preclassic sites include those in Oaxaca (San Josà © Mogote; Chiapas: Paso de la Amada, Chiapa de Corzo), Central Mexico (Tlatilco, Chalcatzingo), Olmec area ( San Lorenzo), Western Mexico (El Opeà ±o), Maya area (Nakbà ©, Cerros), and Southeastern Mesoamerica (Usulutn). Middle Preclassic/Middle Formative Period (900–300 BCE): Increasing social inequalities is a hallmark of the Middle Formative, with elite groups having a closer connection to the wider distribution of luxury items, as well as the ability to finance public architecture and stone monuments such as ball courts, palaces, sweat baths, permanent irrigation systems, and tombs. Essential and recognizable pan-Mesoamerican elements began during this period, such as bird-serpents and controlled marketplaces; and murals, monuments, and portable art speak to political and social changes. Middle Preclassic sites include those in the Olmec area (La Venta, Tres Zapotes), Central Mexico (Tlatilco, Cuicuilco), Oaxaca (Monte Alban), Chiapas (Chiapa de Corzo, Izapa), Maya area (Nakbà ©, Mirador, Uaxactun, Kaminaljuyu, Copan), West Mexico (El Opeà ±o, Capacha), Southeastern Mesoamerica (Usulutn). Late Preclassic/Late Formative Period (300 BCE–200/250 CE): This period saw an enormous population increase along with the emergence of regional centers and the rise of regional state societies. In the Maya area, this period is marked by the construction of massive architecture decorated with giant stucco masks; the Olmec may have had three or more city-states at its maximum. The Late Preclassic also saw the first evidence of a particular pan-Mesoamerican view of the universe as a quadripartite, multi-layered cosmos, with shared creation myths and a pantheon of deities. Examples of Late Preclassic sites include those in Oaxaca (Monte Alban), Central Mexico (Cuicuilco, Teotihuacan), in the Maya area (Mirador, Abaj Takalik, Kaminaljuyà º, Calakmul, Tikal, Uaxactun, Lamanai, Cerros), in Chiapas (Chiapa de Corzo, Izapa), in Western Mexico (El Opeà ±o), and in Southeastern Mesoamerica (Usulutn). Classic Period During the Classic period in Mesoamerica, complex societies increased dramatically and split into a large number of polities that varied greatly in scale, population, and complexity; all of them were agrarian, and tied into the regional exchange networks. The simplest were located in the Maya lowlands, where city-states were organized on a feudal basis, with political control involving a complex system of interrelationships between royal families. Monte Alban was at the center of a conquest state that dominated most of the southern highlands of Mexico, organized around an emerging and vital craft production and distribution system. The Gulf Coast region was organized in about the same fashion, based on the long-distance exchange of obsidian. Teotihuacan was the largest and most complex of the regional powers, with a population of between 125,000 to 150,000, dominating the central region, and maintaining a palace-centric social structure. Early Classic Period (200/250–600 CE): The early Classic saw the apogee of Teotihuacan in the valley of Mexico, one of the largest metropolis of the ancient world. Regional centers began to diffuse outward, along with widespread Teotihuacan-Maya political and economic connections, and a centralized authority. In the Maya area, this period saw the erection of stone monuments (called stelae) with inscriptions about kings lives and events. Early Classic sites are in Central Mexico (Teotihuacan, Cholula), the Maya area (Tikal, Uaxactun, Calakmul, Copan, Kaminaljuyu, Naranjo, Palenque, Caracol), Zapotec region (Monte Alban), and western Mexico (Teuchitln). Late Classic (600–800/900 CE): The beginning of this period is characterized by the ca. 700 CE collapse of Teotihuacan in Central Mexico and the political fragmentation and high competition among many Maya sites. The end of this period saw the disintegration of political networks and a sharp decline in population levels in the southern Maya lowlands by about 900 CE. Far from a total collapse, however, many centers in the northern Maya lowlands and other areas of Mesoamerica continued to flourish afterward. Late Classic sites include the Gulf Coast (El Tajin), the Maya area (Tikal, Palenque, Tonin, Dos Pilas, Uxmal, Yaxchiln, Piedras Negras, Quirigu, Copan), Oaxaca (Monte Alban), Central Mexico (Cholula). Terminal Classic (as it is called in the Maya area) or Epiclassic (in central Mexico) (650/700–1000 CE): This period attested a political reorganization in the Maya lowlands with a new prominence of the Northern Lowland of northern Yucatan. New architectural styles show evidence of strong economic and ideological connection between central Mexico and northern Maya Lowlands. Important Terminal Classic sites are in Central Mexico (Cacaxtla, Xochicalco, Tula), the Maya area (Seibal, Lamanai, Uxmal, Chichen Itz, Sayil), the Gulf Coast (El Tajin). Postclassic The Postclassic Period is that period roughly between the fall of the Classic period cultures and the Spanish conquest. The Classic period saw larger states and empires replaced by small polities of a central town or city and its hinterland, ruled by kings and a small hereditary elite based at palaces, a marketplace and one or more temples. Early Postclassic (900/1000–1250): The Early Postclassic saw an intensification of trade and strong cultural connections between the northern Maya area and Central Mexico. There was also a flourishing of a constellation of small competing kingdoms, that competition expressed by warfare-related themes in arts. Some scholars refer to the Early Postclassic as the Toltec period, because one likely dominant kingdom was based at Tula. Sites are located in Central Mexico (Tula, Cholula), Maya area (Tulum, Chichen Itz, Mayapan, Ek Balam), Oaxaca (Tilantongo, Tututepec, Zaachila), and the Gulf Coast (El Tajin). Late Postclassic (1250–1521): The Late Postclassic period is traditionally bracketed by the emergence of the Aztec/Mexica empire and its destruction by the Spanish conquest. The period saw increased militarization of competing empires across Mesoamerica, most of which fell to and became tributary states of the Aztecs, with the exception of the Tarascans/Purà ©pecha of Western Mexico. Sites in Central Mexico are (Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Cholula, Tepoztlan), in the Gulf Coast (Cempoala), in Oaxaca (Yagul, Mitla), in the Maya region (Mayapan, Tayasal, Utatlan, Mixco Viejo), and in West Mexico (Tzintzuntzan). Colonial Period 15211821 The Colonial period began with the fall of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan and the surrender of Cuauhtemoc to Hernan Cortes in 1521; and the fall of central America including the Kiche Maya to Pedro de Alvardo in 1524. Mesoamerica was now administered as a Spanish colony. The pre-European Mesoamerican cultures sustained a huge blow with the invasion and conquest of Mesoamerica by Spaniards in the early 16th century. The conquistadors and their religious community of friars brought new political, economic, and religious institutions and new technologies including the introduction of European plants and animals. Diseases were also introduced, diseases which decimated some populations and transformed all of the societies. But in Hispania, some pre-Columbian cultural traits were retained and others modified, many introduced traits were adopted and adapted to fit into existing and sustained native cultures. The Colonial period ended when after more than 10 years of armed struggle, the Creoles (Spaniards born in the Americas) declared independence from Spain. Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst Sources Carmack, Robert M., Janine L. Gasco, and Gary H. Gossen. The Legacy of Mesoamerica: History and Culture of a Native American Civilization. Routledge, 2016. Print.Carrasco, David, ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Print.Evans, Susan Toby, and David L. Webster, eds. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 2001. Print.Manzanilla, Linda R., and Leonardo Lopez Lujan, eds. Historia Antigua De Mexico. Mexico City: Miguel Angel Porrà ºa, 2001. Print.Nichols, Deborah L., and Christopher A. Pool, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tax Avoidance OR International Accounting Standards Dissertation
Tax Avoidance OR International Accounting Standards - Dissertation Example Thus, they maintain a liberal tax system for businesses and maintain a more stricter tax system for individuals. Due to this, most businesses have many options of manipulating tax law to their favour in order to pay less taxes. In principle, taxes are paid to promote social justice and assist the government and corporate sector to meet its objectives and needs. If an individual or business entity fails to pay taxes, they are liable to prosecution and this could result in fines or jail terms (Blankson, 2004: 3). This implies that although failure or refusal to pay taxes could have serious consequences, there are some kind of loopholes which can be explored by corporate entities in order to pay less taxes. The ACCA identifies that everyone must arrange his affairs to pay less taxes and it is not even a patriotic duty to pay more taxes (2009). This means that it might be desirable to arrange one's affairs to pay the minimum tax possible. James identifies that â€Å"tax avoidance involv es the taxpayer using the tax rules to his best advantage to minimise his tax liability†(2009: 129). Hence, the practice of tax avoidance entails the examination of the tax rules to identify the best way of arranging one's affairs to pay the least possible taxes. However, this theory seem to be in conflict with the normal view and spirit of taxation which is to promote social justice. ... It is said that the largest companies are the ones who hire the best tax lawyers and tax planners to cut down their taxes to the barest minimum (Sims, 2011). So in that case, is tax avoidance really legal or not? Aside that, how is tax avoidance carried out? What are the techniques and strong spots through which tax avoidance is carried out? In practice, what are the most dominant ways that are used by corporate entities to avoid taxes? 1.2 Aims and Objectives This research aims at â€Å"undertaking an enquiry into the concept of tax avoidance and an analysis of the techniques used and the main trends and activities that are used in carrying out tax avoidance†. In doing this the following objectives will be explored: 1. A critical review of the concept of tax avoidance and its relative position in the world of finance and business. 2. An examination of the main areas through which tax avoidance is carried out and the strategies used in carrying out tax avoidance. 3. Analysis o f the role of stakeholders: shareholders, employees and the public in the struggle for tax avoidance 4. A critical view of a moral approach to dealing with tax avoidance in the UK. 1.3 Research Design The research would focus mainly on a critical literature review for various levels of analyses. In arriving at this end, the research would involve a thorough examination of secondary sources like textbooks, journals and cases to ascertain the actual position of tax avoidance in the world of business. The critical review of literature will include an examination of authoritative text in ascertaining the most popular trends and systems that are used in reducing taxes in the corporate sector. This will involve the examination of the key elements and aspects of corporate tax
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
George Whitefield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
George Whitefield - Essay Example He died in 1770 (Orentas). Whitefield was specifically popular among the poor and the illiterate lot for his wonderful power of oratory, so they gathered in large numbers to listen to him. Brief history of George Whitefield: In his childhood days, Whitefield would often skip school in order to prepare himself for the on-stage performances that made part of his school’s co-curricular activities. He was a big fan of plays, and had read hundreds of them. In the later years of his life, Whitefield retreated from acting and spared theatrical performances altogether, yet the practice he did in the early years of his life was sufficient to inculcate the qualities of a potential preacher in him. How Whitefield got into preaching: Whitefield joined Pembroke College, Oxford after his school was over. It was the very college where Whitefield joined a community of pious â€Å"Methodists†. Those Methodists introduced themselves to others as â€Å"the Holy Club†. Wesley brothe rs, namely Charles and John were the leaders of this group. Having joined the Holy Club, Whitefield felt a change inside himself and his concerns for the religion and its teachings grew manifolds. As a result of his increased association with the religion, Whitefield took the decision of serving as a missionary in the colony of new Georgia aside the Atlantic Ocean. â€Å"Fight the good fight of faith, and God will give you spiritual mercies†(Whitefield cited in â€Å"BrainyQuote†). The qualities of George Whitefield: 1. The oratory power: The most distinguishing quality of George Whitefield was that he was blessed with a magical oratory power by the nature. He did not know it from the start, but soon as he began to make speeches in front of the public, Whitefield realized that people in the crowd hung on every single word that he uttered. He had an unusual way of portraying the characteristic features of various characters in the Bible. There used to be a great realis m in his speech. While making the speech, Whitefield used to cry and dance. He spoke at the top of his voice. David Garrick, who used to be one of the most popular actors in UK in those days said, â€Å"I would give a hundred guineas if I could say 'Oh' like Mr. Whitefield†(â€Å"Christian History†). Once, it so happened that he was speaking about eternity. While making the speech, he suddenly paused, looked sideways and screamed, â€Å"Hark! Methinks I hear [the saints] chanting their everlasting hallelujahs, and spending an eternal day in echoing forth triumphant songs of joy. And do you not long, my brethren, to join this heavenly choir?†(â€Å"Christian History†). 2. Gathering of the mass: Whitefield knew the magic of gathering people in no time. Crowds that he used to address often exceeded the entire population of the cities in which he would make the speech. Whitefield made a tour to America in 1739 with an intention to preach. His first stop in America was Philadelphia which was the world’s most cosmopolitan city. To hear his speech, so many people gathered that even the most spacious churches in Philadelphia could not accommodate them. The crowd in Philadelphia had some 8000 people in it. In order to address them all at one time, Whitefield had taken them outdoors. Often, Whitefield himself became surprised to see the volume of listeners and would think how scattered crowds managed to gather so quickly
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Descartes on God Essay Example for Free
Descartes on God Essay Rene Descartes is a famous French philosopher and is considered as the â€Å"Father of Rationalism. †The aim of his philosophy was to arrive in a solid foundation for knowledge. In order to arrive in this, he used a method called the Methodic Doubt wherein he doubted the senses, mathematics, and even the existence of god. It was only until he arrived with a solid entity called â€Å"the cogito†was Descartes able to discover the center of his existence. Upon finding this center, he was able to use this entity as a means into explaining the existence of the things he previously doubted. In regards to proving the existence of god, we need to tackle first why Descartes needed to doubt the existence of god. This was a very important step in his philosophy because the theories in his philosophy would have a sounder foundation if he was going to use them to explain the existence of God. As what was stated above, Descartes used the Methodic Doubt in order to arrive with the cogito and say his phrase â€Å"cogito ergo sum†or I think therefore I am. This cogito exists in a metaphysical plane because Descartes believed that everything that existed in the physical world were not real. The reasons why he had to doubt the physical world include the fact that the senses deceive us. Examples of these are a pencil which gives the illusion of bending after placing it in a glass of water. Others include dreams which a person would consider to be so real until they wake up in bed. And finally, everything in this world is subject to change which he presented after burning a piece of wax and then asking if the residue of the wax is still considered as wax. After doubting the senses, he soon went to doubt the validity of the physical world. In order to do this, he asserted that there is a malevolent demon that would deceive us into believing that what we perceive is real. Now that he was able to discard god as the foundation of true knowledge, we now shifts his focus to the cogito. However, being left with the cogito could lead to solipsism, a view wherein a person believes that only the individual exists, since everything existed except the cogito. So Descartes needed to prove the existence of God in order to validate the existence of the physical world and free his philosophy from the perils of solipsism. Descartes gave some arguments that led to his proofs of the existence of god. His first proof dealt with the nature of ideas. He classified different kinds of ideas such as those that are innate in a person and those that were received through experience. Being rationalists, he considered ideas cause by the experience doubtful since they do arise from the senses, which he discarded as the means for a clear and distinct idea. So, he shifted his focus to innate ideas, or ideas that have been with a person since birth, and placed the idea of god under this classification. Now, Descartes asked from where these innate ideas came. It cannot be from nothingness since something cannot spring out of nothing. In addition, a perfect idea like that of god cannot come from a less perfect being and so he concluded that there was a first cause that placed the idea of a supreme being in my mind. This argument of Descartes can be compared with that of Saint Augustine’s first cause. However, the difference here is that the arguments of Saint Augustine dealt with motion and change within the physical world. Descartes arguments on the other had, tackle solely with ides and from where they came from. In addition to the argument of a first mover, Descartes was able to prove the existence of god through his own mortality. He asked himself how a person could think of an infinite being, such as god, if there is nothing to compare this form of existence with anything. It is from his own finite existence that he is able to create a distinction between the two modes of existence and prove the existence of an infinite and perfect being that is outside him. His next argument was derived from Saint Anselm’s ontological argument. Here, Descartes tries to justify his argument through describing a triangle. Whenever we would think of a triangle, the first thing that would enter our minds are its attributes, i. e. that it has three sides, all its angles have a total of 180 degrees, etc. Just like whenever we would think of the idea of god, we would usually first think of his attributes which are being omniscient, all-knowing, etc. The difference here is hat although we are able to think of a triangle, thinking about one does not necessarily entail it’s existence. On the other hand, to think of god as a perfect and infinite being must entail that he does exists for to say that a perfect being does not exists would mean that we are depriving god of one attribute and thus making him less perfect. So given this argument, Descartes asserts that existence is needed for perfection for there would be a major contradiction within the assertion of a perfect being that is lacking of any attribute. Finally, Descartes finally says that this god cannot be a deceiving god which he assumed in the beginning. This god cannot be a deceiver for this attribute cannot be found in a perfect being such as god because the act of deceiving someone arises from a certain defect. Upon proving the existence of god, Descartes was able to expand this philosophy by proving the existence of a separate world. He was able to do this by stating that the physical world exists since man was given a certain inclination in order to perceive the world. This inclination was given to us by god and we must believe that the world is true for god would not deceive us with this special inclination that he has given. After reading the proofs of Descartes, I would have to say that his arguments are very solid and logical that it would be hard to think otherwise. However, my only problem with Descartes philosophy is that he used the cogito as a scapegoat to all the problems that he encountered. What Descartes would do is that from the cogito he would begin to explain certain things such as god and the physical world. He would then explore these ideas but when he begins to run of way to explain his arguments he would go back to the cogito. AN example here would be when he tried to explain the existence of the physical world. He simply had to rely on the existence of god and that the inclination he gave man to believe that this world is true. This explanation, to me, seems more as a matter of faith in god as a non-deceiving being rather than a rational explanation.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Responsibility for Childhood Obesity Essay -- Obesity in Children
Childhood Obesity- Whose Responsibility Is It? Daniel Weintraub wrote an article in The Sacramento Bee exclaiming his concern for childhood obesity, criticizing the â€Å"blame game†, and whom he believes is not taking enough responsibility for this horrendous epidemic that is sweeping our nation. Weintraub states that, â€Å"Parents -- not the fast food companies, not the government-- are in the best position to fight the epidemic of overweight children.†I agree that parents play a vital role in establishing healthy eating choices and exercise habits. However, I also strongly believe that fast food companies and the government should share the responsibility of keeping our nations children healthy. I suggest that a system should be created which implements and reinforces responsibility amongst all three parties. All three parties have played a role in getting our children in this unfortunate situation, and all three should help our children to become healthy, active, productive members of society. With billions of dollars spent annually on advertising to children, I believe that the government should limit the amount of airtime available to purchase for companies that sell â€Å"unhealthy food/beverage products†. The growing epidemic of childhood obesity has brought attention to the role that food/beverage advertising and marketing play in negatively influencing the eating habits of children. Children are being exposed to increasing amounts of advertising and marketing. Parents should take an initiative and limit the amount of time their children spend watching television being exposed to such advertising and marketing. Parents also should reduce the amount of trips they take to fast food restaurants and reserve such trips as a treat ... ...lic schools and advocates healthy alternatives, regardless of the extra income it provides to the schools and the popularity of the students. There are many external factors which affect and influence children into making everyday choices. Parents are ultimately responsible for their children and the consequences of the choices that they make. Nevertheless, the â€Å"blame game†needs to end and responsibility needs to be distributed across the board. Our nation, as a whole, should be proactive in ridding ourselves of the name â€Å"Junk Food Nation†and help prevent the many ailments and risk factors of childhood obesity, such as diabetes and stroke. To put it simply, our children are our future. Providing and encouraging our children with a healthy, active, productive lifestyle ensures that we have healthy, active, productive members of society and leaders of tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Factors Affecting Essay
Few markets avoid change, which involves new products or new ways of making existing products. Some industries are more likely to undergo substantial changes brought about by new technologies and new adaptations of existing technologies. The IT, computer and mobile phone markets are experiencing more innovation than most. How do businesses benefit from introducing radical new products and what factors influence the range and pace of innovation? Spending on research and development (R&D) is growing globally and in most industrial sectors. The benefits to a country of encouraging R&D spending include: †¢creation of high-tech jobs †¢creation of high-added-value products that may then be manufactured in that country †¢prestige – a country being linked to scientific and technological breakthroughs †¢Attraction of investment by multinational corporations. Several factors may influence the level of research and development (R&D) and innovation by a business: †¢The nature of the industry. Rapidly changing technologies – and consumer expectations – in pharmaceutical products, defense, computer and software products and motor vehicles lead to the need for substantial investment in R&D by leading firms. Other businesses, such as hotels and hairdressing, would need to spend much less as the scope for innovation is more limited. †¢The R&D and innovation spending plans of competitors. In most markets, it is essential to innovate as much as or more than competitors if market share and technical leadership are to be maintained. However, a monopoly may limit R&D spending if it believes that the risk of a more technically advanced competitor entering the market is limited. On the other hand, profits from a monopoly could be used to finance research into innovative products if the risk of competitor entry into the industry is high. †¢Business expectations. If business managers are optimistic about the future state of the economy and the rate of economic growth and consumer demand, then they are more likely to agree to substantial budgets for R&D and aim to introduce more innovative products. †¢The risk profile or culture of the business. The attitude of the management to risk and whether shareholders are prepared to invest for the long term will have a significant effect on the sums that businesses can inject into R&D programmes. ‘Short-termism’ is an accusation made towards many major UK financial institutions and the need to satisfy these investors could discourage managers from investing in R&D. Government policy towards grants to businesses and universities for R&D programmes and the range and scope of tax allowances for such expenditure will influence decisions by businesses. †¢Finance is needed for effective R&D. In many firms this may be limited and will restrict the number of new innovations that could be made. Reference: View as multi-pages
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Advantages of mobile phone Essay
Imagine waking up one morning and noticing your smartphone is missing. Really missing, not just buried under your blankets or abandoned in a coat pocket. Now imagine that happened to every single smartphone user. One of the most common criticisms about 21st century society is our dependence on technology, particularly smartphones. It’s no secret many of us rely a teensy bit too much on our mobile devices and, perhaps as a result, we’re abandoning some real world know-how in favor of convenience. Here we consider what most of us would essentially have to relearn without access to smartphones. Unlike the traditional cell phones, smartphones put the Internet in your pocket so you will be able to surf the Internet at any time on your phone. For instance, with your smartphone, you are able to search recipe websites and locate new recipes to cook. The phone also offers news websites and weather updates if you need to check the weather before you head out for the day .In addition, when you are on the bus heading back home, having a slap-up meal in your favourite restaurant, or on a weekend trip away; regardless, you’re never more than a few minutes from getting in touch with your nearest and dearest. Instant access to your emails and social media like Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare means that you know what all your friends are doing, where they are, and what they think about anything from news to music to sport, right now. You can Facebook chat with your brothers who are overseas, or tweet at your best mate to say how much you’re looking forward to seeing them later; near or far, smartphones have made keeping in touch a real doddle. On the other hand, smartphones have many tools such as digital cameras, clocks , GPS navigation system, torch light and so forth. These tools will definitely help us in our daily life. Smartphones have combined everything we need to organise our lives into a single handheld device. We can set an alarm for the morning or a reminder about a doctor’s appointment, snapping a quick photo of a film poster to look at later, we can store ideas, memories and feelings within seconds. Besides, when we use the phone’s GPS system, we won’t have to worry about getting lost on the road or having trouble driving in a city that we are not familiar with at night. we can also download game apps to relax ourselves Smartphones also benefit in education system. Some lecturers use to record their lectures and create it where students can upload teachers’ lectures. Students who have smartphones can research various websites for research purposes easily. Teachers can use smartphones for file sharing, especially if they have the Dropbox app. This app is great for distributing information. Teachers can tell their students to make Dropbox accounts and create class-shared folders so that students can just submit their essays and projects from their computers or smartphones. Dropbox can save teachers time and paper.Moreover, we can use our smartphone to do our homeworks and assignments to find some information. By using our smart phones to find information is much faster than using a computer or a laptop. We don’t need to turn the computer on and off and we don’t have to connect to the Internet line for using the Internet. Many students also tend to use the dictionary in their smart phones. So, they will learn more and more words in a day.They will also learn the pronounciation of unfimiliar words .This will definitely improve their grammar and writing skills. To conclude, smartphones are an technological invention to follow the evolution of the society. Today, it is impossible not to think of using smartphones in everyday life. They became really important and essential as they are used for work or for private life. Smartphone brings many convenience in our livesFinally, the NSA affair showed that governments keep people under surveillance. More than the fact that this is a international issue between the United States and other countries, people can reflect on this and tell to themselves that using a smartphone can allow a governments to keep an eye on the society.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Professional Counseling
Professional Orientation to Counseling According to Vacc and Loesch there is no quick and easy way to define or explain the term ‘counseling’, rather they consider the activity of mental health counseling complex, consisting of a number of assumptions. Counselors require a myriad of ‘helping skills’ from what are referred to as intentional and unintentional helping skills. Counselors can use and draw upon helping skills and therapeutic constructs to strengthen and refine their counseling skills. In chapter 4, Helping Skills are elaborated on and described to assist the new counselor. Skills of this nature are useful in all forms of counseling; I found chapter seven, Working with Groups to be interesting and could easily understand how a counselor using ‘helping skills’ could quite effectively facilitate group sessions. Chapter 9, focused on Assessment and Appraisal – again another very interesting topic. Understanding the need for assessments is critical for the new counselor. Assessments are not meant to be used alone, but in conjunction with other counseling methods, which can assist the counselor to understand the needs of the client while being able to choose appropriate counseling techniques. Research in professional counseling was not something I expected to come across at great length, but according to Vacc and Loesch, it is extremely important for counselors. Heppner, Kivlighan, and Wampold (1998) stated that as professionals we have a responsibility to not only promote wellness with our clients, but to stay abreast of human nature and the field of counseling. Traditional research methodology is not necessarily the preferred method of research for professional counselors. It seems that the ‘single-subject’ design is more beneficial in measuring and demonstrating the effectiveness of counseling. The elements of single-subject research are based on measuring change, connecting the change to a charac... Free Essays on Professional Counseling Free Essays on Professional Counseling Professional Orientation to Counseling According to Vacc and Loesch there is no quick and easy way to define or explain the term ‘counseling’, rather they consider the activity of mental health counseling complex, consisting of a number of assumptions. Counselors require a myriad of ‘helping skills’ from what are referred to as intentional and unintentional helping skills. Counselors can use and draw upon helping skills and therapeutic constructs to strengthen and refine their counseling skills. In chapter 4, Helping Skills are elaborated on and described to assist the new counselor. Skills of this nature are useful in all forms of counseling; I found chapter seven, Working with Groups to be interesting and could easily understand how a counselor using ‘helping skills’ could quite effectively facilitate group sessions. Chapter 9, focused on Assessment and Appraisal – again another very interesting topic. Understanding the need for assessments is critical for the new counselor. Assessments are not meant to be used alone, but in conjunction with other counseling methods, which can assist the counselor to understand the needs of the client while being able to choose appropriate counseling techniques. Research in professional counseling was not something I expected to come across at great length, but according to Vacc and Loesch, it is extremely important for counselors. Heppner, Kivlighan, and Wampold (1998) stated that as professionals we have a responsibility to not only promote wellness with our clients, but to stay abreast of human nature and the field of counseling. Traditional research methodology is not necessarily the preferred method of research for professional counselors. It seems that the ‘single-subject’ design is more beneficial in measuring and demonstrating the effectiveness of counseling. The elements of single-subject research are based on measuring change, connecting the change to a charac...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Introduction to JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript is a programming language used to make web pages interactive. It is what gives a page life- the interactive elements and animation that engage a user. If youve ever used a search box on a home page, checked a live baseball score on a news site, or watched a video, it has likely been produced by JavaScript. JavaScript Versus Java JavaScript and Java are two different computer languages, both developed in 1995. Java is an object-oriented programming language, which means it can run independently in a machine environment. It is a reliable, versatile language used for Android apps, enterprise systems that move large amounts of data (especially in the finance industry), and embedded functions for Internet of Things technologies (IoT). JavaScript, on the other hand, is a text-based programming language meant to run as part of a web-based application. When first developed, it was intended to be a compliment to Java. But JavaScript took on a life of its own as one of the three pillars of web development- the other two being HTML and CSS. Unlike Java applications, which need to be compiled before they can run in a web-based environment, JavaScript was purposely designed to integrate into HTML. All major web browsers support JavaScript, though most give users the option of disabling support for it. Using and Writing JavaScript What makes JavaScript great is that its not necessary to know how to write it to use it in your web code. You can find plenty of prewritten JavaScripts for free online. To use such scripts, all you need to know is how to paste the supplied code into the right places on your web page. Despite the easy access to prewritten scripts, many coders prefer knowing how to do it themselves. Because it is an interpreted language, no special program is required to create usable code. A plain text editor like Notepad for Windows is all you need to write JavaScript. That said, Markdown Editor might make the process easier, particularly as the lines of code add up. HTML Versus JavaScript HTML and JavaScript are complementary languages. HTML is a markup language designed for defining static webpage content. It is what gives a webpage its basic structure. JavaScript is a programming language designed for performing dynamic tasks within that page, like animation or a search box. JavaScript is designed to run within the HTML structure of a website and is often used multiple times. If youre writing code, your JavaScript will be more easily accessible if placed them in separate files (using a .JS extension helps identify them). You then link the JavaScript to your HTML by inserting a tag. That same script can then be added to several pages just by adding the appropriate tag into each of the pages to set up the link. PHP Versus JavaScript PHP is a server-side language that is designed to work with the web by facilitating data transfer from server to application and back again. Content management systems like Drupal or WordPress use PHP, allowing a user to write an article that is then stored in a database and published online. PHP is by far the most common server-side language used for web applications, although its future dominance may be challenged by, a version of JavaScript that can run on the back end like PHP but is more streamlined.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The importance of supply chain management Essay
The importance of supply chain management - Essay Example Supply chain management has become an important topic of concern for many companies, who rely on getting a huge market for their highly competitive products. Supply chain management helps in the proper management of resources and a far more efficient way of distribution. Supply chain management is a fast and emerging concept in the distribution of goods in supermarkets. Huge international corporations such as Dell, Kodak, Gillette, Unilever and Wal-Mart have all introduced SCM. Therefore, I, as an SCM consultant have been asked to analyze the supply chain management of the fashion department of the Co-Op supermarket, and address and provide a few solutions to the concerns of the board of directors, which are quite valid. Fashion has an allure for many women in the United States. Therefore, the fashion department of the supermarket has done quite well. However, with the recent awareness of the problems of environment, many women have become largely concerned about the origination of these fashion products. Hence, supermarkets are faced with a dilemma. They have to remain competitive, offer low prices to customers and respond to certain other needs of customers, quite unrelated to the specification of the product, itself. The Supply Chain Management is an issue of such vital importance because the globalized world that we live in, has spurred off many benefits, as well as many problems. Market segmentation has occurred, where many consumers may become concerned with the environment. Co-op supermarket has an ethical policy, which takes many preferences of the consumers. Customer responsiveness is quite significant; therefore, consumer feedback has to be integrated into daily operations (Wisner, Tan & Le ong 2008, p. 26). The board of directors has become increasingly concerned over the channel of distribution of the fashion products, since they are manufactured in China, and are shipped across the globe to the United States. The concern is quite logical and merits consideration. According to Wisner, Tan and Leong, in their book â€Å"Principles of Supply Chain Management†, the greening of supply chains is important, because they suit the particular needs of the customers, especially in the case of Co-Op supermarket. Code of ethics is an important component of the workings of the Co-Op supermarket, the company prides in it. Therefore, ethical policy needs revision if the customer preferences have to be catered. The book mentions that the entire chain of distribution from storing, packaging, repackaging, transit and delivery have a significant threat to the environment. The threat to the environment comes in the form of air pollution, congestion, global warming and other forms of industrial pollution. In the case of shipment, whether by air or by sea, pollution is created, which inevitably leads to Global Warming. The fashion products can also be not manufactured in the United States, since the production can become highly expensive, because of expensive labor. However, products in China are manufactured quite cheaply. Therefore, even at the cost of ethical policy, the supermarket cannot forgo its competitiveness in the market. Moreover, the supermarket cannot only stock products from the native country, because this denies consumer the choice and variety of different products. Therefore, the supermarket is faced with a dilemma. If it is to maintain a market of the fashion products, it needs to address the concerns of many consumers who like to preserve the integrity of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
The Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example Becoming a filmmaker is not like becoming a dentist that involves having a role model and going to dental school for some years and then going to that line of work. The movie business is based on a lot of intellectual things like instinct, talent, effort, persistence and believing in yourself. So the real answer for those who are listening to me is I was my own role model; I found my own path because I believed that what works for another person cannot work for me and vice versa. It is as a result of my ambition that I struggled for 9 years to become a writer before starting earning a living from it. The movie Shawshank Redemption is rated as an uplifting, profoundly satisfying drama with not only sensitive direction, but also fine performances. Can you please explain what might have led to your movie achieving such a profound rating? First, I will attribute the rating of Shawshank Redemption as one of the best movies to have been produced to the flow of the story. The story presented in this movie can be understood by almost every person who watches it. The choice of key characters is also another thing that enhanced the success of the movie. The main characters in the Shawshank Redemption were Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, who were among the renowned actors in that time. Incorporation of these two characters in a movie was by itself a success. Apart from storyline and choice of characters, cinematography also played a part in enhancing the success of the Shawshank Redemption in the movie industry. My working together with Roger Deakins, a renowned cinematographer, enhanced production of quality photographic images and effects. In relation to the cinematography that you have just touched on, throughout the movie you have used lighting.
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