Thursday, December 26, 2019
Mills Inductive Reasoning Essay - 1539 Words
Mill’s Inductive reasoning Mills method of agreement identifies a cause of an event in terms of its sufficient condition. When using this method, one searches for a single factor that is common to multiple situations in which the same event occurred. Mill says that, when two or more occurrences of the event under investigation have only one condition in common, then that condition is the cause of the event. (Mill, 2002) More simply stated, Mills method of agreement eliminates all but one common precursor. Mills method of agreement requires that in all cases where a consequence has occurred, the antecedent condition must be present. This method isolates the supposed origin by listing all of the possible factors that can be†¦show more content†¦Method of Difference According to Mill, if an occurrence in which the event being investigated occurs, and an instance in which it does not occur, have every condition in common except one, then that one circumstance in which alone the two instances differ is the effect, or the cause, or an indispensable part of the cause, of the occurrence. The method of difference necessitates a comparison of at least one case in which the occurrence appeared and at least one in which it did not, (Kemerling, 2001). Simply stated, Mills method of difference is the exclusion of all differences between the cases being studied except one between instances in which the effect occurred and those in which it did not. For example, in the case above: Suppose our four co-workers all ordered the same meal - Hamburger, Fries and a Diet Pepsi. However, one decided to add a slice of cherry pie. It would be reasonable for that one person to say, quot;I shouldnt have had the pie. It made me sick.quot; The pie may have been spoiled or perhaps the sickness was from over eating - were not sure. However, it would be reasonable to conclude that we have isolated the pie as a factor that caused that one persons nausea, (Kemerling, 2001). The major difference between the indirect method of difference and the method of agreement is that the indirect method uses negative cases to strengthen conclusions drawnShow MoreRelatedInduction As A General Law Or Principle From The Observation Of Particular Instances ( Induction )1707 Words  | 7 Pagesthe end side with the both of them and disagree with induction. What is Induction? Induction is the generally held belief that scientific knowledge derives its justification by being based on generalization from experience (Induction). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Literary Analysis of Feminism Seen in Antigone and A...
Susan B. Anthony once said, â€Å"The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less.†In the plays Antigone, by Sophocles, and A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, strong women overcome restrictions and limitations placed upon them by their society and gender. In Antigone, Antigone chooses to defy Creon, her ruler, uncle, and a male authority figure, to support what she believes is right, which is burying her brother and respecting the gods. Though it was forbidden for her brother to be buried because of Creon’s decree, she resists, and in doing so, feels empowered and discovers what a strong woman she truly is. Similarly, in A Doll’s House, Nora is hindered by how the society in which she lives views†¦show more content†¦In the play Antigone, The king of Thebes, Creon, decrees that Polynices should not be given a proper burial because he is a traitor and turns against his city. When Antigone asks her sister, Ismene, to help her bury their brother, Ismene refuses to help her: â€Å"I’d do them no dishonor†¦ but defy the city? I have no strength for that†(Sophocles 19). Ismene represents all the women in society and what is expected of women during this time period, which is weakness, subservience to men and their government, and not defying any rule, especially the king’s. Because Antigone is willing to defy this rule and not conform to society’s wishes, she is a foil, or contrasting character, to Ismene. While Ismene does not, Antigone shows strength and her own free will by defying the city and burying Polynices. In A Doll’s House, Nora’s husband, Helmer, finds out that Nora has committed a forgery and confronts her. Though he is very angry with her and no longer trusts her, he wants to continue living with her like normal, just to appear as society expects them to. â€Å"As for ourselves, we must live as we have always done, but of cour se only in the eyes of the world†(Ibsen 194). This demonstrates the importance of society’s view of a family during this time period and how women are expected to behave. This also shows that women are not supposed to have control in a household and be able to take out loans, because they are seen as incapable. Also in A Doll’s House, Helmer’sShow MoreRelatedGender Roles In Antigone1547 Words  | 7 PagesIn Sophocles’ Antigone, gender roles are a major conflicting theme throughout the entire play. The setting of the play was written during the Greek mythological days, around 442 B.C. During these days, men were dominant and held all of the power, so women were automatically treated as less. Antigone and Creon portray the conflicting sides between male and female, and Ismene and Haemon portray opposing sides to Antigone and Creon’s actions. Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and Haemon each show differencesRead MoreA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen7379 Words  | 30 PagesMa. Jennifer S. Yap Dr. Sherwin Perlas World Literature January 14, 2012 A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen Translated by Rolf Fjelde I. Introduction During the late nineteenth century, women were enslaved in their gender roles and certain restrictions were enforced on them by a male dominant culture. Every woman was raised believing that they had neither self-control nor self-government but that they must yield to the control of a stronger gender. John Stuart Mill wrote in his essay, â€Å"The Subjection
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Cool Runnings Essay Sample free essay sample
Irving â€Å"Irv†Blitzer was an American bobsled two clip Gold Medalist at the 1968 Winter Olympics who finished foremost in two events once more during the 1972 Winter Olympics but was disqualified from the latter for rip offing and retired in shame to Jamaica. where he leads an destitute life as a bookmaker. Irving is approached by two Jamaican jocks: top 100m smuggler Derice Bannock. who failed to measure up for the 1988 Summer Olympics when another opposition tripped him at the tests. and Sanka Coffie. a title-holder push cart race driver. The jocks wish to utilize Irving’s old experience as a Coach in order to vie in the 1988 Winter Olympics as bobsledders. Irving had been good friends with Derice’s male parent. Ben. a former sprinter whom Irving had tried to enroll for the bobsled squad old ages ago. who is presumed to be deceased. Yul Brenner. another smuggler who was tripped at the qualifier. We will write a custom essay sample on Cool Runnings Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page joins the squad every bit does as Junior Bevil. the smuggler who tripped Yul and Derice. Finally Irving is convinced to train the squad. The four attempt to happen assorted ways to gain money to acquire in the Olympics ; singing on the street. arm wrestle. and keeping a caressing booth. but all fail. Junior. nevertheless. sells his auto. which gets the squad the money that they need. In Calgary. Irving manages to get an old pattern sled. as the Jamaicans have neer been in an existent bobsleigh. The Jamaicans are looked down upon by other states. in peculiar the East German squad whose chesty leader. Josef. tells them to travel place. ensuing in a saloon battle. The squad resolves to see the competition more earnestly. go oning to develop and better their technique. They qualify for the finals. but are briefly disqualified. At the primary justice meeting. Irving instantly confronts his former manager from the ’72 Olympic Winter Games Kurt Hemphill. now a primary justice of the ’88 Olympic Winter Games. for unfiting the Jamaicans for his error. He confesses that he made the biggest error in his life by rip offing by concealing weights underneath the sled to do it run faster. Irving’s 1972 Gold Medals were revoked and he embarrassed his state with the dirt. He says that if Hemphill wants retaliation. merely punish him. non his squad. He begs Hemphill to allow the Jamaicans qualify and stand for their state in the Olympics. Subsequently. the Judgess overturn their determination and the Jamaicans are back in. The Jamaicans’ first twenty-four hours on the path consequences in more embarrassment and a last topographic point coating. Sanka convinces Derice to halt copying qualities of the Swiss squad. Once the squad develops their ain manner. the 2nd twenty-four hours proves ; the Jamaican squad coatings with a fast clip which puts them in 8th place. Later. Irving tells Derice the truth about his yesteryear and convinces him to believe of himself as a title-holder even if he doesn’t win the gold. stating. â€Å"A gilded decoration is a fantastic thing. but if you’re non plenty without it. you’ll neer be plenty with it. †For the first half of the concluding day’s race it looks as though they will interrupt the universe bobsled velocity record. until tragedy work stoppages: their sled. due to one of the blades falling off. somersaults on its side coming out of a bend towards the terminal of their tally. go forthing them metres short of the finish line. However. the squad lifts the sled over their shoulders and walks across the finish line to bestiring hand clapping from witnesss. including Josef. Hempill. and Junior’s male parent. The squad. at the terminal. feels accomplished plenty to return in four old ages to the following winter Olympics. A brief epilogue provinces the squad returned to Jamaica as heroes and upon their return to the Winter Olympics four old ages subsequently. they were treated as peers.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sleep Paralysis Essay Sample free essay sample
General Psychology Reflection Paper on the Sleep palsy in striplings: The ‘a dead organic structure climbed on top of me’ phenomenon in Mexico The writers for this scholarly article. â€Å"Sleep palsy in striplings: The ‘a dead organic structure climbed on top of me’ phenomenon in Mexico. †are Alejandro Jimenez-Genchi. Victor M. Avila-Rodriguez. Frida Sanchez. Blanca E. Vargas Terrez. and Alejandro Nenclares-Portocarrero. The article is from the Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. volume 63. pages 546-549 and was available online last 2009. Sleep palsy ( SP ) is characterized by the incapableness to travel for a short period of clip at the early phases of slumber. Some civilizations use conversational looks to depict the SP experience. In Mexico. Mexicans uses the look ‘a dead organic structure climbed on top of me’ to picture a phenomenon that seems to be tantamount to SP. The purpose of this survey is to place the rate an d features of SP in striplings utilizing a common people look. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleep Paralysis Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since the phenomenon is most frequently seen in adolescence. the research workers invited 322 striplings from different high schools in Mexico City to take part. They completed an Epworth Sleepiness Scale ( ESS ) and an SP questionnaire which asks if they already heard about the phenomenon and have experienced it. With all the gathered information. the research workers were shocked to happen out that 92. 5 % of the participants heard about the phenomenon while 27. 6 % of them had experienced it. 61 % had experienced 2 or more episodes during their life-time. The difference and similarities of this conversational look and sleep palsy is emphasized in the treatment portion. Folk descriptions are said to capture motor and hallucinatory nature of SP while clinical descriptions gaining control merely the motor characteristics. If merely indispensable characteristics of SP which is the inability to travel or talk were considered. research workers would obtain a lower prevalence rate in the whole sample. Surprisingly. rates in this survey are consistent to the rate of other surveies which involves SP expressed utilizing a conversational look like in China and Japan. There are certain factors that limit the credibleness of this survey. First. informations were obtained from fickle sample of striplings which belongs to a population that uses a conversational look in mentioning to SP. Second. informations were based from self-reported questionnaires completed by the striplings which are dwelling of inquiries that sometimes are misinterpreted. Discrepancies in this survey are ineluctable because of the method used by the research workers. It leads to a decision that the SP is often experienced by striplings which is sometimes accompanied by hallucinations. Of all the sleep upsets known to adult male. sleep palsy is the least understood ( Hurd. 2010 ) . Sleep Paralysis is a normal. natural bodily map that causes our physical organic structures to be paralyzed during slumber ( Peterson. 2005 ) . It is misinterpreted as an unnatural or chilling experience because of the presence of its indispensable characteristic characterized by the inability to travel or talk. Sleep palsy ( SP ) is a phenomenon where the musculuss are paralyzed which causes the organic structure unable to travel. It occurs during the early phases of REM sleep or even upon rousing. The phenomenon merely lasts for a minute or two but even though it’s merely enduring for a short period of clip and is said to be normal. sing SP might be truly scaring. The chief ground why we experience sleep palsy is that it prevents us to move out our dreams or hurt ourselves while woolgathering by paralysing the musculuss. It is when our heads are fully-awake and witting to the milieus but your organic structure is paralyzed. SP normally happens when our encephalons responds faster than our organic structure. What makes SP more terrifying is the presence of hallucinations which is most of the clip appears in chilling signifiers. Two old ages ago since the first clip I had cognition and heard about SP. Since so. my wonder didn’t stopped trouble oneselfing me about SP and its nature. I have so many inquiries in my head that until I did this survey remained unreciprocated like â€Å"How that is possible that your head is fully-awake but your organic structure is unab le to travel? †â€Å"What does it experience like? †â€Å"Why and when does it go on? †etc. I started to look for information and facts about SP to fulfill my wonder. I didn’t fail to happen such things that made SP more interesting to analyze. I was more astonied when I found out that SP is used in presenting yourself to lucid woolgathering. I was struck by the article I’ve read on a web log site that you can be able to command your dreams and your psyche will be separated from your organic structure. I was so hypnotized that even I wanted to see it without cognizing what the danger of SP might convey. And so with that. I started to delve deeper facts about SP because my old beginnings might be undependable. I didn’t waste this chance to cognize more about what I like to happen out. When we were asked to hold our contemplation about an article which is related to Psychology. I thought approximately this because I know that I can do a good 1 because I’m interested with it. As I started to look for more dependable beginnings. I found out that my old cognition about the phenomenon is incorrect. Before. I thought that SP is an astonishing experience but when I visited personal web logs of people narrating their SP experience. they said that it is the chilling thing that happened to them. For person like me who haven’t experienced SP yet. depicting it is truly a difficult undertaking. I even have to confer with personal web logs and utilize my imaginativeness. In the diary article that I’ve used. research workers have found out that SP is most common in striplings. The rates of Mexican striplings who experienced SP are consistent to the rates of other surveies about striplings in Japan and China sing the same phenomenon. Sleep palsy occurs most frequently after jet slowdown or periods of wakefulness that interrupt the normal REM forms. or after alterations in slumber forms. It affects both sexes every bit and occurs at all ages but is most common in adolescents ( MedTerms. 2011 ) . Based from my apprehension. adolescents are more prone to see SP because its causes are most likely seen in them. An individual’s reading of SP may depend on their cultural account or the belief system of the individual ( Murphy A ; Egan. 2010 ) . In the diary article I’ve chosen. chosen striplings came from a state which uses a common people look to depict the SP experience. Based on what I’ve read. I think that it affects the rates the research worker got. They think that they would acquire lower rates if the indispensable characteristic of SP is the merely 1 considered. Clinical descriptions captures the motor characteristics of SP while folk descriptions like the one being used by the Mexicans captures the motor and hallucinatory consequence of SP. I would besides state that samples used in this experiment are non dependable plenty particularly with the method used in this survey which is the study method. We can non overlook the fact that some inquiries might be misunderstood by the participants and since it is a take-home questionnaire. honestness among them is non guaranteed. The first clip I saw the rubric of the article ( ‘A dead organic structure climbed on top of me’ ) . I was frightened. I think that there are certain grounds why they used that description. Based on some personal narratives of people who have experienced the phenomenon that I’ve read. the victim feels unable to travel because of the feeling that something heavy is lying/sitting on them. The ground sleep palsy may explicate narratives of shades and foreigners is the strong sense of a presence. normally harmful. that victims normally feel during an onslaught. They besides report unusual kinaesthetic esthesiss. such as feelings of being dragged out of bed. vibrating. winging or falling. These episodes can sometimes take to matured out-of-body experiences ( Evans A ; French. 2009 ) . SP could be prevented but it can non be escaped. It was said that a individual will see at least one episode during their life-time. SP is normal until it’s non a mark of narcolepsy. To the best of my cognition. this happens more frequently upon waking up. Basically. your head wakes up before your organic structure does. Finally. your organic structure catches up to your head and wakes up excessively. All we need to make to non to see such creepy sleep upsets is non to upset our slumber forms and agenda. We should obtain complete hours of slumber particularly us. adolescents who largely experience SP. It’s dismaying to see two or more episodes of this phenomenon in our life-time. Though it’s normal. it could be truly terrorizing to see being paralyzed while we are asleep. Mentions Bob Peterson ( 2005. August ) . What Everyone Should Know About Sleep Paralysis. AS and OBEs. From the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. robertpeterson. org/asp. htm Gillian Murphy A ; Jonathan Egan ( 2010. March ) . Sleep Paralysis and Hallucinations: What Clinicans Need to Know. From the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. lenus. ie/hse/bitstream/10147/111896/1/IPMarch2010. pdf Medical Footings ( 2009 ) Definition of Sleep Paralysis. From the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=9806 Ryan Hurd ( 2010 ) . The Sleep Paralysis Report. Retrieved 2010 from the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //dreamstudies. org/wpcontent/uploads/2010/11/Sleep-Paralysis-Report-2010. pdf Scientific American. Randolph W. Evans A ; Christopher French ( 2009. January ) . Ask the Brains: What Is Sleep Paralysis? From the World Wide Web: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. scientificamerican. com/arti cle. cfm? id=ask-the-brains-sleep-paralysis
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